How to sign up
1: Open the application and Press “Sign In”
2: Enter your mobile number and Press “Next”
3 : Fill in 6 digits of OTP number
4: Review Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and Press “Register”
5: Choose “Foreigner” and press “Scan Passport”
6: Ensure that your passport photo is not blur and clearly see the information and press “Next”
7: Remove glasses, hat and mask and ensure the lighting then press “Take Selfie” (You may request to blink eye twice during the selfie)
8: Fill in relevant information and press “Next”
9: Choose your work permit type
10: Take photo of document. Ensure that your passport photos are not blur and clearly see the information and press “Use this photo”
11: You can upload more photos by press “Add more photos”. If not press “Submit” (For pink card, please take photos of both side)
12: Enter your email and password. If you don’t have one, press no-email and then press “Next”
13: TrueMoney Wallet registration is completed. Please wait for approval. You will receive the notified SMS for the registration result.